Evidently I've not been keeping my ear close enough to the ground as this rather snuck up on me, but there's a one-off Winterwatch on BBC 2 this evening at 9pm. Also available in glorious HD. Chris, Kate (she's back!), Martin and a remote Michaela will be telling us all sorts of interesting things about wildlife in winter. Surely a must-watch.

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  1. Thank you for letting me know Sam, I would have missed it I think.

  2. re robins song. I have a robin who sings from a branch near the house but he also retreats into thick cover where I can hear him murmuring to himself as it were. It is a low pitched song and a yard or two away is inaudible. So why does he do it?
    I must add that he is very tame and expects me to feed him regularly and if I don`t appear he will come into the house looking for me Yours Ian Murison

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