Graeme Rycyk got in touch to promote his really rather wonderful project. For just £2,500 of your Kickstarter backing he will produce a 6 part documentary filmed in Ultra HD on the UK's urban nature.
A particular interesting twist is his intention to cover urban hunters and poachers – those people who are out to bag our city wildlife for their own pot. I can't say I'd even heard of that as a concept but I suppose it makes sense and it would be interesting to hear their perspective on our urban wildlife. If they're trying to catch these animals, they probably know them and their habits inside out.
I'll be honest, it seems like a massive challenge, especially given the budget and timescale, but the teaser video suggests he's serious and knows what he's doing.
I see foxes and hedgehogs in my backgarden as well as Muntjac deer in the town very occasionally (not running down the street or chowing down in Nandos, but in the wilder more natural spots). I'd love to find out a bit more about what they're up to, beyond the fleeting glimpses.