It’s been a while, but I’m back, with a fresh house and garden to provide new nature opportunities. That’s not why I moved of course, but all the same…
I’ve already dug a pond, and seen a fair few things. Notably the following.
- A fox, bold as brass on the lawn in the middle of the day.
- A nuthatch on a couple of occasions, which I think comes down from the woodland I can see from the garden.
- A hedgehog, just the once so far.
- A muntjac deer walking down the street and into the pub car park. Quite surreal.
- Pond life: dragonflies, frogs by the bucketload, including one that hopped into the house, pond skaters, water boatmen etc.
- Lots of jackdaws and parakeets. They roost in the woods – an incredible noise as they return each evening.
- Just the one smooth newt, under a rock.
I will be blogging about the pond build soon.
UPDATE: at least one person was wondering where in the country my garden is. It is in St Albans, Hertfordshire.