Just last night I found a dead wasp hidden inside the leaves of a head of cauliflower that I took from the fridge. Actually, it was my wife that found it and insisted I remove it. I put the diminutive vegetable trespasser in the kitchen compost bin and closed the lid. Later that very same evening we discovered a wasp crawling on the work surface in the kitchen, and I must assume it was the same one. It seemed to be in pretty good health, so I imagine that the cold of the refrigerator had slowed it right down to a stop for I don't know how many days, only to be reanimated when warmed.

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  1. Crikey, I’d have been spooked by that. Mind you I saw two flying about outside my window just yesterday.

  2. Did you check if the ” dead” wasp was still in the compost? Just a thought!

  3. I had a quick look in the compost, but the remains of dinner had just gone in and I didn’t fancy picking through it to find a dead wasp!

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