
The natural world is springing up around us so it's an exciting time to watch it grow. Here are a few things I have noticed of late.

  • Bees are out in force, both bumble and honey.
  • Lacewings seem to have been particularly numerous compared to previous years. I've seen loads of them in various buildings in various parts of the country.
  • I saw my first butterfly of the year: a Comma, which overwinter as adults to emerge in March.
  • The lawn has received its first cut of the year (and it's second today) though my neighbours blinked first 🙂
  • Daffodils are everywhere, whilst snowdrops are almost completely done.
  • Birds are noisily celebrating. Magpies in particular seem to be building nests as I see them flying with twigs, but I imagine many species are doing so.
  • Ponds are full of frogspawn (pictured), and presumably other types of spawn.
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