I'm slightly knocked back by this evening's TV listings which are positively bursting with naturely content, notably:
- Halcyon River Diaries – BBC1, 18:10-19:10. A new series with husband and wife Philippa Forrester and Charlie Hamilton and their sons looking at water voles, sticklebacks, otters and mallards. Which promises to be nice easy viewing, perhaps in the style of less frantic Springwatch. We shall see.
- Countryfile – BBC1, 19:10-20:10. Not strictly a nature programme, but usually of relevance and following straight after Halcyon River Diaries.
- The Seasons with Alan Titchmarsh – ITV1, 19:00-20:00. Easy-going Alan shows us all sorts of summery UK nature. Second in the series apparently, but the first I've seen of it.