Digging a hole in the garden the other day, amongst the many interesting things I found (more here and here) was a collection of unidentified plant bulbs. These small to medium sized, waxy white bulbs were covered in lots of white sprouting roots and a shoot poking out of the top, suggesting they were just about to do something interesting.
I've no idea what they are or even if they are indeed bulbs. They might be corms or tubers – see this page for an explanation of the difference – but I think by sight they're probably technically bulbs. To try and find out exactly what sort of bulbs, I planted them in a pot and hope that they will reveal themselves. The photo above shows them before I covered them over with soil. Of course I will post an update if they choose to show themselves, so make your guesses now in the comments and see if you're proved right!
Update (21st Nov 2009): the first evidence of life has stirred from the mystery pot!